08 September, 2007

my summer vacation

okay we're back from summer vacation. missed all the festivals in new york, which actually had pretty good shows. this is a shot of thelonious, the jazz spot in la paz, bolivia.

new posts coming. jazz party three this thursday, the thirteenth at pianos.

to get back into the swing of things, the e and i took in ron afif's regular monday night gig at zinc bar. for those who don't know, zinc bar is a great venue- also check out the brazillian band sunday nights. roy hargrove showed up and bounced around the place. he was chillin in the back room and would scuttle forward to join the band whenever it was his turn to play. the e and i had different takes on hargrove. i thought he played well- the atmosphere was loose, convivial, and accessible and hargrove gets around with style and confidence. the e felt like he didn't really have any one to get in his ass, and so he played safe and unexceptional. either way, check out ron afif mondays at zinc.

will be back shortly with more material.

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