20 June, 2007

Jazz Confessional: It'll Feel So Much Better Once You've Said It.

I've never really been into Thelonious Monk. I've got all of zero albums of his on mp3. I don't dislike him, or have some pretentious schtick about him being overrated. I'd just almost always rather be listening to something else. I'm tired of smiling and nodding when people talk about how brilliant he is. I mean, look, I'm sure he is, the same way I'm sure Yo Yo Ma's nice on a cello. I just wouldn't know personally, cause I never really listen to his stuff.

Kind of Blue left you Kind of Confused? Bored by Coltrane? Hot Fives leave you cold? Wanna talk smack 'bout Bird?

Sure, you're wrong, but you might as well let the world know.

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